Digital Magic Wand

If you’ve read my story you know that I’ve been aiming for digital nomadism since I was 14. I’ve known since then that I needed to have good digital skills in order to make a decent living on the road. I have always had a love for the world of content and design. I am in love with the idea that as humans we have the opportunity to express ourselves in so many ways and share our point of view and convey values and messages through words, colors, videos and pictures. I have learned a lot about the digital world and expanded on various topics within it. I have been through many in-depth courses and workshops on various topics in digital marketing, writing and photography.

Writing content for different purposes

Everything begins and ends with words, content has a great impact, both on those who consume it and on the strengthening of digital assets. Businesses need a web presence that includes continuously uploading content that combines value for readers in a structure that matches the place of publication in order to maximize results. The internet is flooded with information and in order to stand out, the content needs to be well-defined.

Graphic design for digital and print

Graphic design in business is expressed in different variations, it is important that your design image expresses the nature, language and values of the business. Every business needs branding that emphasizes to the market, who you are at first glance. As part of my services, I build a design language (color palette, logo and fonts) that will accompany the business in the digital world. In addition, I also create designed posts and stories for social networks that will broadcast your values both in content and visibility. Beyond that, I also offer services for graphic designs that are required in the printing world such as business cards, posters, packaging or other designed paper products that you want to add to the business.

Photography and videos

I believe that beauty surrounds us and that it can be found anywhere or in anything. Beyond that, I believe that a story or an atmosphere can be conveyed through a photo or video. In the process, I combine the purpose of the photography with your business values and desires with a creative and interesting point of view, to allow these photographs to stand out and attract the desired attention.

Digital marketing on social networks

Today, most of the population uses social networks regularly and daily. There are a variety of platforms that have become central for a wide audience of users of different ages. In marketing on social networks there is an option to target and refine the marketing to a relevant target audience. The popular networks for digital marketing for businesses are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn depending on the target audience.

Promotion sponsored by Google

Today, most of the world’s population searches and finds information on the Internet, Google is the most common search engine. Google allows websites to appear at the top of the results page of relevant searches through sponsored promotion. This allows potential customers to find the business quickly. In addition, the promotion on Google works in the PPC model – Pay Per Click, where you define an advertising budget that is offset by clicking on the ad, guaranteeing a justified investment.

Building landing pages

A landing page is a targeted marketing tool used to move the potential customer through the sales process. The page should be structured in an inviting and goal-oriented manner. In addition to expressing the values of the brand, it should create in the potential customer a desire to be more interested in the product or service. The page stands on its own and does not contain links to external pages, so as to avoid distractions and switching to other pages and services, which might cause the audience to miss the purpose of the campaign.

Organic promotion on Google

Organic promotion in Google or in other words ‘search engine optimization’ – there are a variety of actions that can be done in order to promote the site and adapt it to the search engines. Adjusting the site will lead to the site appearing in high positions on Google’s search pages, which will increase the traffic of surfers to the site. When adapting the site to the requirements of the search engines, I conduct in-depth keyword and competitor research, examine the site and discover aspects that require improvement, build a link plan, refine the content and ensure a good user experience while browsing. In addition, the site structure needs to be adapted to Google’s data readers.

It is important for me to point out that not every business needs a marketing strategy in all digital marketing channels. It is recommended to consult and have a characterization conversation with the marketer you choose and with him build a marketing strategy adapted and correct for your business and target audience.