10 Ways to travel in an ecological way

travel in an ecological way

The limitations of Covid-19 are beginning to disappear and the urge to travel has returned to most of us. It’s no secret that trips involve a lot of pollution, whether it’s by air transport or by any other means. However along with all our other contributions to the various pollutants, here too we have ecological alternatives. We have the option to travel and explore this world easily, but it is still our duty to try to do it in the most ecological way we can.

So what are we waiting for? 10 ways to make your next trip more ecological.

1. Disconnect electrical appliances in your home before the flight.

About 15 percent of our electricity is consumed by devices that are not working or that are on standby. There are appliances like ovens, microwaves, TV, chargers, converters and more that draw electricity just because they are plugged into an outlet. So disconnect all non-essential appliances when planning to spend time away from home, whether it be for a few days or long term.

Disconnect electrical appliances before travel

2. Do not print plane tickets.

Now in the technological age it is easier to save paper and in general it can be combined in other areas of your life. If you are not required for a special reason to arrive with the printed flight booking, save a photo of the booking and display it digitally when you check-in.

3. Bring a scarf for the flight instead of using the plane blanket.

Airplane blankets are usually disposable. It’s fun to cover up with something when trying to fall asleep or watching a movie and it is often cold during the flight. So equip yourself in advance with a warm item in your handbag and save the use of airplane blankets.

4. Travel with a ‘Zero Waste’ kit in your handbag.

Equip yourself in advance with items that will help you reduce the waste you produce. For example – a glass or bottle to fill with water/other drinks during the flight, reusable cutlery with an option to add a cloth napkin, headphones for the aircraft’s audio system. Plus something to eat so you will not be tempted to buy snacks in packages during the flight.

5. Reduce the ecological footprint you have created.

Air flight creates a lot of pollution and is responsible for a lot of carbon emissions. Today there are organizations that help us reduce these emissions. Enter the flight ranges on their sites and they will calculate the emissions that the flight has created, then you can pay them to offset those emissions. You can do this on the ‘GoClimate’ or ‘MyClimate’ website.

6. Travel by public transport, on foot or by bicycle.

It is not always possible to get around by bus, train or bicycle during the trip, but when possible prefer these options over flying or renting a car. Although it sometimes lengthens the travel time, it saves a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition you will experience the trip better because you can enjoy the view along the way, avoid the stress that traffic jams and finding parking provide and create interaction with locals and other travelers.

travel by public transport

7. Choose eco-accommodation.

Ecological accommodation can be expressed in several ways. You can look for accommodation that has the standard of sustainability and the environment. ‘GSTC’ – The International Sustainability Standard sets stringent criteria that include dictating the organization’s impacts on the local environment, support for local landscape conservation and biodiversity, and must demonstrate actions to reduce pollution and depletion of natural resources. You will find all kinds of accommodation that guarantee a reduction of their mark on the environment on ‘BookDifferent’ website.

But even choosing a non-hotel local accommodation (hotels spend a lot of electricity on lighting, water heaters, air conditioners, wasting water and food etc…) can create environmental change. In addition, reuse the towels, just as you do not change a towel in your home every day, even on vacation you can use the towel more than once and save the waste of electricity and water involved in washing it.

8. Eat and drink locally.

Transportation of commodities around the country and world creates a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions. By buying local products you will prevent their transportation, thus reducing these emissions. In addition when shopping and eating locally you will support local businesses, which are mostly dependent on tourism. Furthermore the best way to get to know a new place is through tasting its local food.

9. Shop responsibly.

Consumer culture is among the most polluting factors. In general it is better to consume as little as possible. Buy only what you really need, focus on travel rather than shopping. If the shopping experience is an integral part of your trip, try to buy locally. Avoid buying from international chains, support the local businesses in the country to where you travel. However it is important to remember not to buy items that encourage illegal activities and/or destroy nature such as oyster shells, corals, ivory, leather items, etc.

10. Keep our environment clean.

The most important, easiest and considerate way of treating the environment is to keep it clean. Throw the trash in the bin or take it with you in places where there are no bins, but never leave it behind, neither in nature nor on the street. Our trash which usually contains plastic does not disintegrate and can harm various animals or drift into the sea to harm the creatures there. In addition, if you travel and encounter a lot of garbage, you can help the environment and contribute to the place where you travel by collecting it. Although the garbage is not necessarily yours, the Earth is all of ours and it’s time to do things for it and for our future here.

Save this post for your next trip and share it with friends who are flying soon.


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