6  Ways To Give Your Loved One an Ecological Gift

BUY Ecological Gift

In honor of Valentine’s Day, which takes place next Tuesday (14.2), I have prepared a list of ways to help you choose a more ecological and considerate gift for the environment to give to a loved one. As in every aspect of our lives, there are ecological alternatives when giving gifts. Although I have prepared the list in honor of Valentine’s Day, it is suitable for any occasion when you want to give a loved one an ecological gift.

1. Support ecological businesses –

Buying a gift from a business that operates ecologically and promotes these values contributes to the environment in 2 aspects. The product has been created with maximum environmental consideration and the shipping packaging is recyclable. In addition, buying from an ecological business supports that business owner and helps ecological businesses to survive in the market. As consumers we have an obligation to support businesses that make the necessary efforts to make products accessible and conduct sustainable business.

2. Give gifts with ecological value –

A gift with an environmental aspect will help its user adopt an ecological lifestyle. This is a great way to help the environment and your friend to make the change. Beyond the fact that the products themselves are produced in sustainable ways, using them will help bring about another positive change and make the use of these products accessible for that person.

Some ideas for gifts with ecological value: a reusable cleaning kit with natural preparations, natural and ecological candles, solid soaps from businesses that advance ecological values, a kit of basic products for a bag – a reusable bottle, cup, straw, cutlery and napkin.

3. Buy second-hand –

Although this is a type of gift that depends on the person to whom the gift is going, but if it is suitable, there are a wide variety of gifts that can be bought secondhand, such as clothes, jewelry, electrical appliances and more. Buying second-hand increases the shelf life of the product and postpones the arrival time of the existing product in the landfill. There are many products that are in excellent condition that are simply no longer used by their owners, reusing things is blessed.

4. Ask the recipient of the gift what he wants/needs –

In my opinion, the smartest thing to do is to simply ask what the person we plan to buy a gift for, lacks. This is the best way to give someone a gift, so he will definitely use the product and it will save him the trouble of having to buy it himself. In this way, we make the gift accurate, prevent the purchase of unnecessary things and give something that the recipient of the gift would probably buy himself.

5. Give an experiential gift instead of a material product –

It’s no secret that we produce huge amounts of garbage and that landfills and the surface of the earth won’t be able to keep up with this rate. Buying an experiential gift creates interaction and allows the recipient real pleasure. It is also possible to give a gift that includes you both and then enjoy quality time together with the person you love and thus also create a deeper connection with that person. In the ecological aspect, you avoid creating unnecessary garbage when the gift stops being used by the user.

6. Perform an ecological act as a gift –

This gift is not suitable for everyone, but there are those who will be happy and appreciate the gesture. There are many types of good deeds that can be done as a gift and the ecological aspect can be adapted to the interests of that person. There are also all kinds of actions that give you a connection with the donation, for example a donation to a treatment center where you receive an “adopted” animal whose progress can be followed online. It can also mean planting trees and getting a map of the area where they are situated. Another idea might be to donate to a project for environmental change or even to gift your friend with a tree to plant in his garden.

As we introduce the values of ecology into more aspects of our lives and take steps towards a future that promotes it, it will become easier and more accessible. There are many ecological alternatives, all we have to do is look for them and implement them. The future belongs to all of us and what better gift to give someone than a safe and pleasant future here on our wonderful Earth.

I would love for you to share this with your friends so that we all have the awareness of how to choose a gift that is also considerate of the environment.


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I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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