Multiple Gods On Earth – Where Does The Real Power Reside?

multiple religions

On Earth there are roughly 4,000 different religions. Thousands of gods walk among us through different and weird stories. Each of these gods gives power to the person who believes in him\her. But faith itself and not the gods is what gives us the power. The power is ours and has always existed within us. Because we do not usually believe we have this power within, we assign it to a particular god and then receive it back with the help of belief in that god.

Religion is often defined as a belief system specific to God or gods that is expressed through a code of conduct, ethics, forms of worship, symbols, and rituals.

Religion helps people deal with existential questions. It gives answers to the purpose of existence in this world and answers about life after death. Religion defines a particular type of god or gods and explains how man should behave according to those gods’ opinion. Throughout history all the cultures that have been studied have had a particular religious belief.

Why were so many religions created?

For religion to be effective you really have to believe in it, but each of us is a little different from the other. We have different views and goals. Every religion sanctifies something and encourages a certain type of conduct that is usually compatible with community life. You can see how throughout history different religions have encouraged a specific kind of behavior that matches the way of life that they wanted to achieve among the population and how they have tried to curb other forms of behavior that haven’t suited them.

At some point, throughout history every religion has believed that it has cracked the right way of living and has tried to persuade others to live that way.

At the end of the day all these religions are stories created by man. A person who felt the need to receive from this power and justify his behavior or direct the life of the community’s behavior. Do not be confused, even centuries ago there were people who knew that every person has the power over his reality. Some religions teach this one way or another. But in other religions this knowledge has been removed. For example in Christianity there are a lot of holy books which at some stage have been edited and a considerable part which speaks of the power that exists within us has simply been edited out, in order to strengthen the power of the church.

Emotion and belief are what create our reality and we are responsible for them. All power is in our hands, in our consciousness. We can give this power to an external entity and with the help of its image believe and pray for the desired change. Or we can just take responsibility for our power and believe in ourselves. As long as belief and emotion are strong we will have more power, but the power will always be in our hands whether we see it or not.

For years people have fought for their religion and belief.

People were afraid of different religions from their own and believed that a deity different from their own god should not exist. However, the abundance of gods was created so that every person would truly connect to what religion signifies to him/her and be able to feel a real and powerful emotion that would allow one to connect to ones power.

To the God who unites us all it does not matter what name we give to him, because he exists within us one way or another. He exists in all that exists and flows through us and to us all the time. The strong emotion of belief is what allows us access to this power. Words do not have much meaning in this energetic field, access to this field is through emotion. You can say one thing, but inside you feel something else. Emotion is what changes everything.

The customs that exist in every religion in a certain way help to connect to this power because of the belief we have in these customs.

If you do not believe in a certain custom it will not have an effect on your life. But in fact anything that will make you feel good will help you connect to this energy that creates worlds. There are also processes that do not belong to any religion that will help you connect to this power. In some religions there is an overlap between prayers that strengthen us, such as gratitude. The very act of gratitude allows us access to this power regardless of who it is that we are thanking. All power is within us, in each of us and each of us has access to this power.

Each of us is a god to himself.

We all come from the same source that expresses itself in endless ways and forms. It does not matter if you believe in it or in a god who is separated from you. It’s all a game and we’re here to evolve and develop all of creation. Each of us has the power within him that creates worlds whether we take ownership of that power or give it to someone else.

However it is important to remember, most religions have a hidden agenda, a purpose that it is meant to serve. It will not allow you all the power that is really hidden within you. Most of the time it will make you believe that you are separated from this power and that you have to earn it, behave in a certain way in order to be worthy. You are already worthy, this power is an integral part of you. It is time to take ownership of it and control your reality without the consent of external factors that sanctify, among other things, punishments, separation and sacrifice. It is time to move forward towards unity, unconditional love and self-fulfillment.


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