Can You Be Unconditionally Happy?

be happy, smile, play, Feeling happy, joy, friend

When you are happy, miracles happen. When you are happy, you attract things that will make you happier. When you are happy, you flow with life and life flows through you with ease. When you are happy, you are in alignment with your higher self. When you are happy, you are nicer to people. When you are happy, the whole world is happy with you. When you are happy, you are in harmony with creation. When you are happy regardless of circumstances, the circumstances will synchronize with your feelings.

Happiness is the state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and can’t help but smile. Happiness is associated with a good general feeling, health, security, pleasure, peace and love. Happiness is our natural state of being. Your higher self is always happy and you are an extension of it. You can always tune in to that place of pure happiness, happiness from just being alive.

However, society has made us think that you always need to search for happiness,  that you can only achieve being happy by achieving goals. With that believe you continue searching for money, power, health, beauty, shopping, love or other things that are “supposed” to make you feel happy, but it is never really enough. When you search everywhere else rather than inside your heart, the happy feeling disappears really quickly. It disappears or your mind doesn’t allow you to enjoy it because it keeps you busy with other things.

You have learned that you need to take the cue from outside, from circumstances BUT the outside world takes the cue from YOUR FEELINGS! If you always wait for a reason to feel good, the reason won’t come, but if you feel good without any reason the reason WILL always come. I will repeat that because it is really important for you to understand: IF YOU FEEL GOOD WITHOUT ANY OBVIOUS REASON, THE REASON WILL ALWAYS COME! The physical reality mirrors your feelings and vibration, if you don’t smile first the mirror will never smile back at you.

happy children, smile, be happy.

So how can you feel happy easily throughout the day?
You can think pleasurable thoughts, thoughts that empower you and make you feel good. Thoughts that are in alignment with your higher self. Thoughts like: I’m wonderful, everything always works out for me, I’m worthy, I’m a blessing to myself and to others, everything I want comes easily and so on. When you think positive thoughts your mind will get used to sending you more and more good thoughts. It is better to start first thing in the morning with a happy thought in order to stay on a high frequency more easily and efficiently.

Additionally, you can do (hopefully you always do) things that excite you. This has two main benefits. It will make you feel good the moment you do it and it will bring more exciting experiences to your life. Things that excite you lead you to your right and easy way.

The easiest way to feel happy is to smile. Usually, we smile as a result of feeling good, but when you smile your brain releases a hormone (Endorphin) to your body that makes you feel euphoria and it also happens when you smile a fake smile. So smile more often (:

Feeling happy shouldn’t need to be a once in a while emotion, it should be your constant mood. Since this is your natural state, it feels really good, it is the purpose for being here. When you are happy you are in the receiving mood. In other words, you allow all your desires to manifest in your reality without resistance. You vibrate on the right frequency. Creation knows what you want, sometimes even better than you, creation wants you to have what you want. You just need to be on the right frequency to receive. So your only job in the co-creation of your desire is to BE HAPPY.

smile, smile to go, be happy, your feeling, joy


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Hi, I'm Paz Chen

I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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