Whenever I congratulate someone in honor of their birthday I always add in my greeting my hope that they will learn from every challenge, because I truly believe that we are here to grow and develop and that we can do this only if we continue to learn about ourselves. One of the easier ways to learn about ourselves is through observing the reflection of our lives, because it does not require us to observe at the depths of the soul, it is simply displayed in front of our eyes.
One can learn from every moment in life and not just from challenges.
When we are faced with a challenge, whether we successfully pass it or not there is always a lot to learn from the situation. Learn how to get better next time or what to do and not do in advance. After facing a particular challenge it is easier for us to draw conclusions and learn from our mistakes or successes. It is important and necessary for our personal development, but our self-learning does not end there.
The reality we experience is a reflection of our inner world. We are the ones who create our world whether consciously or unconsciously. Our feelings, beliefs and thoughts have a direct impact on the reality we experience. Furthermore the higher-self/universe communicates with us through external reflections. If we examine the circumstances of our lives, what we are more satisfied with and what less, we can change our inner world accordingly.
Reality reflects to us where we need to invest more work. For example if we experience a lot of difficulties in a particular field it can tell us that we have limiting beliefs on the subject that prevent us from succeeding in that field. Or if we experience the same experience in the embodiment of different situations it means that there is some lesson we need to learn from this experience and until we learn it we will not be able to get out of the same ‘loop’.
We can also get help from our physical body.
The physical body also signals to us about our mental state. There is a direct connection between our inner world and our body. Our body is made up of billions of cells. The cells that make up our body are also affected by the frequencies at which we vibrate (thoughts, beliefs and emotions). When a disease appears in our body it is a sign that some change is needed in our mental body. This temple that we live in inhabits our consciousness and when our consciousness is unbalanced it will be expressed directly through our body.
It is much easier for us to learn through personal experience than through words.
We can read thousands of books and hear many lectures, but only when we experience something in our reality will we really internalize it. You will need to experience your life and experience inner work in order to truly learn and understand how everything works. We came to experience a personal life. Of course it helps to explore and learn knowledge from external sources, but real learning occurs when we experience it for ourselves and see the change take place with our own eyes.
The external reality is here in order for us to learn from it and to see what we believe is true. Reality has no will of its own. Reality simply reflects our inner world. Many people believe they have to wait for something external to happen in order to feel a certain emotion, for example happiness, but until they are happy (feel the way they want to feel) reality is not content to change and give them the external thing they want to happen. Reality plays a role similar to that of a mirror, until we perform the smile, the mirror we are looking at will not smile back at us.
So start smiling and start to adjust your inner world with the help of your reflection.

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