Who Is God? In Short, You Are.

you are God

You can’t see God, because God is not an object, God is the one who sees.

The word God has a lot of prejudice and limited ideas surrounding it, but the word doesn’t really matter. You don’t have to be religious to know that there is a massive energy that creates worlds. God, Source, Inner Being, Higher Self, Consciousness, Universe, Creation, Soul, The One – all these names actually represent the ‘All That Is’. All these names describe the same energy, the energy that flows through you and to you.

Before you came into this body you were pure positive energy. Part of you came to this physical world, but all that is you remains non-physical and it loves you so much that it knows exactly where you are and where you want to be and helps, guides and leads you there. The larger part of you, the highest consciousness of you, always focuses on you and it has your back. You can call it in any way or form that is most resonant with you, but it is all the same.

‘All that Is’ is all that is, period. There is nothing outside of it and because of that you have the freedom to choose to believe in anything you want. You can be an individual that is separate from your source or you can be one with that source, it depends on you.

How can anything exist separately from God/’All That Is’?

You are part of all that is so that makes you an extension of ‘All That Is’. You are God. You are an energy source. You are ‘All That Is’, and ‘All That Is’, is you. 
Religion has taught us that we need to act in a certain way to gain the love of God, but this couldn’t be more wrong. God/Source/Creation/Universe adore you unconditionally. They are the origin, the real you. Your wish is God’s wish. You are important and worthy because without you ‘All That Is’ wouldn’t be complete.

Some movements teach that God is perfect and whole and that people aren’t. They teach us that we were put here on Earth to become closer to perfection and we need to be and act like God said in order to reach this state, but we are already perfect because God is always within us. God can’t be whole without our existence. ‘All That Is’ has to be infinite and eternal in order to be all that is. In order to be infinite, it has to express itself in all the ways, shapes and forms that are possible. We are one of God’s points of view and also everything else.

You came into this body in order to expand.

The larger part of you expands with you and through you. The whole universe expands with your expansion. Every lesson, every desire, every challenge, everything that you experience helps you in this process. Your existence contributes to the expansion of ‘All That Is’.

We experience ourselves as extensions of ‘All That Is’ who have chosen to forget that we ourselves are in fact ‘All That Is’ in order to rediscover this and know ourselves from a new perspective.

You are much bigger than your identity and body. You have just learned to limit yourself instead of learning who you really are. So I want you to ask yourself the most important question, who are you really [without your name]?


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