Every Moment You Can Start Afresh

During the course of a day you continuously move from segment to segment. Every time there is even the slightest of changes from the moment before, you begin a new segment. For example, you enter a room – it is a new segment, someone joins you in the room – another new segment, you move to a different chair – yet another new segment, etc.

With every new segment you can decide how you want to react before the situation even begins. For example, if you segment intention before the traffic jam occurs, you are more likely to enjoy the music on the radio than absorb the negative vibes around you. 

You can determine the intention that you hold for each segment.

The universe already knows what you want, but when you segment specific intention for that particular segment, you tune yourself to your desire and then the universe can deliver it easily to you.    

If you take a moment, even a few seconds to acknowledge the beginning of a new segment and think about what you expect from it, you are more likely to experience it in the way that you wish, no matter what other people intend from the same situation.

Most of the time you react to life in a way that keeps you trapped in a mundane reality, a less powerful creation than you are capable of producing. It doesn’t let you feel your absolute power to choose your reaction. However when you fully understand this and are aware of the fact that a new segment with all of its opportunities has begun, you can focus your intention and change your vibration.

So how do you segment intention?

For example, you enter your car, you acknowledge that you are in a new segment and you determine that you want to have fun and be at the right place at the right time. When you reach your destination, you acknowledge that you are starting a new segment and that you intend to interact with funny people, that you are glad to be there and that it is playful to be in this environment and so forth.

You are only required to direct your thoughts and focus on the things that you want from each segment. When you do this more often your frequency rises, you flow through life, you notice how many possibilities you have and you allow your life to yield to you the things that you want.


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Hi, I'm Paz Chen

I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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