Awareness Is The Key

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We all have thoughts, some of us have more and some have less. It depends on how much we have worked on it. Sometimes it can seem to us that we are what we think, but we aren’t. We are much bigger than our thoughts. If you notice the thought just pop into your consciousness, it is a living entity. The thoughts have huge power over your reality and you have power over your thoughts, but first you need to be aware of them.

I want you to ask yourself if you remember what you think? Do you know you are thinking the same thought over and over? Or do you not even notice that you are thinking all day?

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. When you aren’t aware of what you are thinking, you can identify with unpleasant thoughts that don’t empower you. Then you feel bad and make a reality for yourself that doesn’t match who you truly are. You have the choice to not identify with them or to change them to thoughts that empower you, but first you need to observe them. 

How can you be aware of your thoughts?

It’s really easy, you just need to be alert and observe them. You can stop for a second and ask “what will my next thought be?” There is a possibility that it will take a second for the thought to pop into your head, but it will come. Then observe it, but keep a distance between you and the thought. During your day, observe your thoughts and pay attention to the quality of those thoughts and understand that you don’t need to identify with them.

Another way is to do meditation. When you meditate, you clear your mind and then when a thought pops into your head, you notice it, observe it, let it go and return to the silence. It’s take practice, but it will help your mind to get used to not being occupied with thoughts all day long. The practice is important for you because when you are occupied with thoughts, you lose the moment you are in. The past and future exist only in your mind and disturb you from enjoying the present.

Happiness exists here and now and doesn’t dependent on anything.

It’s like the sky and clouds. The sky is the present and the clouds are the thoughts that come and go and hide the sky.

But the most important question is, are your thoughts pleasant for you?

If the answer is NO it means that the thought is not true for you. Your higher self does not perceive it as you do and gives you a sign. It means that you adopt the thought from someone else or get used to thinking it, but it’s not true for you. The moment you become aware of a thought that is not in alignment with you, you need to change it to another thought, a pleasant and empowering thought. For example: I am loved, I have all the support I need or be thankful for everything you have.

At any one moment you can think only one thought and you can choose any thought you want, so make it an uplifting one. It is really important that you get rid of any negative or unpleasant thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Your feeling will change according to this and also your reality.

In conclusion, your consciousness is like a garden, sow only beautiful flowers and do not let weeds destroy its beauty. Later on we will discuss the power that thoughts have on your reality and how you can use them, but for now I want you to ask yourself, who is aware of the thoughts?

Have a nice and beautiful day, just like you. 


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I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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