The Journey Is All About Changing

the change of butterfly

“People can’t change” is the funniest belief that society wants us to believe in. Society works in a way that enables some people to gain things, in most cases money, from a functioning system. Society has made the system function in this way and made us think that this is the only way, because if we change, the system will collapse and they will stop gaining. A lot of people believe that the system can’t change, life can’t change, they can’t change, but our journey is all about changing.

First of all, before I continue I want to make sure that you know that the universe works with your belief. This means that if you believe that life can’t change, all the power of the universe works for you to experience it in this way. Even if it changes you aren’t able to notice it. However, you can always change your beliefs. You are actually supposed to change your beliefs.

You came to Earth in order to know yourself better. Your reality mirrors your beliefs and vibration. It works in this way on purpose in order for it to be easy for you to observe what you love and what you don’t, what is in alignment with who you are or with who you want to be. When you find something that you don’t like, you shouldn’t wait for some external thing to happen. You need to make the change, because if you don’t, you will receive the same thing in different versions. In other words you need to find the deep-seated belief that no longer serves you and change your frequency.

We are vibrational beings in a vibrational universe. If you want to make a change or create something in your life you first need to change your frequency or tune in to the right frequency in order to see the manifestation you desire. 

People also don’t make changes because they are afraid of the unknown. The unknown is only unknown by your mind, your higher self knows everything. Your higher self knows who you are and where you stand in relation to your desire. It knows the path of most fun and satisfaction. It will lead you from where you are to where you want to be. All your gifts are on the unknown path.

Life is all about surprises and discovering. You are here to discover more of yourself. The power that creates worlds is flowing through you and to you. Everything always works out for you. You are here to play and have fun. How can you know yourself without changing? How can you know what you like more and what you don’t like at all? When you change you have the ability to observe and know. If you don’t like what you gain from changing, you can always change back, but I promise you that you are here in order to change.       

When you are changing, you are expanding. You have more chances to understand what you want and what you don’t want. You get to know yourself better and better. You are evolving and growing. You can expand at any pace that you want. It is all a matter of allowing and changing according to your reality and desire. 

You can face reality and be a victim or you can do what you are here for – create your own reality and be the god/goddess that you are.              


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Hi, I'm Paz Chen

I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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