Before We Burn Up – Ways To Stop Global Warming – Part 2

trees can help with our global warming problem

In the last post we discussed our main problem that is causing Global Warming – our greenhouse gas. We saw that there are alternative resources that can replace the pollutant resources. In addition we talked about changes that everyone can make in their lifestyle that help reduce greenhouse gases (if you missed this, click here)

Greenhouse gas also causes air pollution. Luckily for us trees cleanse the air. One tree cleans, filters and purifies 100,000 cubic meters of contaminated air, produces 700kg of oxygen and absorbs 20 tons of carbon dioxide over a year. In addition, it can absorb 80kg of suspensions containing toxic metals such as mercury, lithium, lead and so on.

Recently scientists have been able to develop “bio-solar leaf” technology to clean air pollution with amazing efficiency. Researchers say that the new technology uses photosynthesis to purify the same amount of air as 100 trees, while taking up the area of only one tree. The technology works by growing tiny plants on wide platforms installed like solar panels over large areas, so photosynthesis is used to convert greenhouse gases from air into clean oxygen. 

This invention can help us enormously with cleaning our atmosphere, but trees have still other benefits to contribute that help us deal with the situation and minimize the damage. Unfortunately as you read this, trees are being cut down at an alarming rate (Every year 15 billion trees are cut down). As a result, Earth is heating up even faster. One tree lowers the temperature around it by 4 degrees.

In the last 12,000 years, our planet has lost more than 3 trillion trees, but the forests have amazing recovery capabilities if we give them the opportunity.

Make your voice heard, sign petitions to preserve our forests.

They are the lungs of Earth. Beyond the benefits that they provide for us, forests serve as breeding grounds for many species of animals and plants that we need in order to maintain the ecological balance.

Another way to help our situation is to plant one or two or ten trees 🙂

Every tree contributes to improving our situation, so we should plant as many as we can. Beyond all the benefits I have mentioned so far, trees keep the ground stable and moderate the earthquakes. In addition, a tree near the house is used as an acoustic wall. It stops some noises and lowers the level of others. A mature tree near your property greatly increases its value. Beyond the global contribution, the tree benefits those who plant it. 

Maybe you will be inspired after hearing the story of the 9-year-old who started a project to plant a trillion trees after deciding that adults do not do enough about our situation. Or the Brazilian couple who, after massive deforestation in Brazil, planted more than two million trees and re-forested the desolate area for 20 years, resulting in the return of a total of 177 bird species, 33 species of mammals, 15 species of reptiles and 15 species of amphibians to the area. In this forest there are now 293 species of plants.

If you can’t afford to buy a seedling, you can grow one from an acorn or seed and then plant it.

Deforestation is caused as a result of using the area for mass industries of meat, soybean, palm oil and trees for industrial use.

It is recommended not to consume products containing palm oil or soy, so as not to encourage these industries.

Beyond deforestation, the meat industry itself produces huge amounts of carbon dioxide.

Reduced consumption of meat and cheese or complete cessation of consumption will make the most significant impact on the environment. The process of producing one hamburger causes an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide to be produced as using an air conditioner for a whole day. The meat industry and consumers waste a lot of food. There are many ways to introduce protein into our daily diet (there are 10 easy ways to reduce meat from your diet). 

Our planet is heating up and soon we will reach the point of no return. There are changes that anyone can make which will contribute to solving our problem. The changes are not difficult and do not require too much effort. You can deny the situation, close your eyes and sentence humanity and all creatures on Earth to death or you can wake up, understand our situation and change the things that are in our hands. This Earth is our home and we have nowhere else to live.

Now is the best time to start a change, so what kind of tree are you going to plant?


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I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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