Every animal has a significant role in the ecological balance that helps maintain basic living conditions on Earth. However there are some animals that greatly shine with their environmental contribution beyond their contribution to the maintenance of balance. When looking at their role, one manages to see more clearly the harmony in nature. Animals of different species contribute to us as humans and to other living beings in their daily lives.
1. Phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton are the basis of the marine food chain. Without them the entire marine system would collapse. Their existence is necessary in order to sustain all living things in the sea, but phytoplankton have an even more significant contribution than that. They are responsible for oxygen production. The oxygen produced by the phytoplankton around the Earth makes up more than half of the oxygen we breathe.

2. Ants.
Ants have a number of very important roles. First of all with the help of their tunnels they ventilate the soil and recycle nutrients. With this action they keep the soil healthy and fertile. In addition, aeration of the soil helps to reduce the amount of irrigation needed and increases the percentage of yield. Beyond that the ants carry seeds and transfer them to nests rich in nutrients. Moreover the ants help in eradicating pests such as: mosquito eggs, fleas and bedbugs (pests that can transmit diseases) by eating them.

3. Bees.
Bees are the main pollinators of our food crops. Without them the fruit we eat will not be formed and there will be no next generation of the plant. The disappearance of bees will lead to a decline of at least a third of global food crops. The loss of food will cause great hunger not only to the human race, but also to many other animals, which will cause the entire balance to collapse.

4. Squirrels.
Squirrels help new trees take root. Squirrels collect and store nuts and acorns in the trees. Most squirrels forget about their reservoirs and the acorns and nuts that have been forgotten or fallen along their way, take root and grow into trees. So squirrels have a significant aspect in forestry. Every tree that grows has its own significant ecological role.

5. Birds
The birds also help new trees take root by scattering seeds. In addition, they also pollinate plants and recycle nutrients. Beyond that the birds give a biological indication of the health of the ecosystem. They also help in eradicating various insects and pests. Moreover the birds that live on the ground help in aerating the soil and increase its fertility.

6. Otters.
Otters eat about a quarter of their body weight daily to maintain their body heat. In areas where they are common, otters eat weeds and special types of snails that cause damage to vegetation that is essential for agriculture. These weeds and snails are also responsible for damaging plants that absorb carbon dioxide. So by consuming a large amount of this food they protect the plants which contribute to the prevention of global warming. They are also a natural biological exterminator of pests.

7. elephants.
The elephant is one of the most intelligent creatures on Earth and a key to the biodiversity that shares its living area. In dry seasons, elephants use their large trunks to dig pits and reach the water below the surface. By discovering the cistern they also allow other animals to feed themselves and drink from a cistern that they would not have been able to discover on their own.

Of course this is just a small example of animals that contribute to our lives and the lives of the creatures with whom we share this home. There is a wide variety of animals that help the environment and positively impact life here. So what do you do in your daily life that contributes to the environment and helps our ecological situation?