Our universe is composed of frequencies and vibrations. Everything has a frequency, including the things that you can touch, smell, taste, see and hear. Your own reality is made up of a combination of your own frequency and your belief system, in other words your feelings and thoughts.
We can’t experience something that isn’t in alignment with our frequency and belief system.
What is a belief system?
A belief system is made up of thoughts that you have developed a habit of accepting and thinking are true. This thought has so much momentum that it has become a belief.
When you were a child you accepted almost everything that you had been told as true. So now you have as part of your belief system some negative beliefs that you acquired from other people like your family, friends, teachers, society and so forth.
Your belief system sets your reality rules. This means that if you believe that life is hard, you will experience life as difficult. If you believe that there is no magic, you won’t be able to notice all the magic that surrounds you.
What is your frequency?

According to the basic laws of physics – electromagnetic fields are built around everybody that produces electricity (yes, your body produces electricity). The rate or speed at which these fields vibrate is called frequency. A frequency is a wave that vibrates at a certain speed and can be seen when the light hits it in a certain way.
Your thoughts and emotions have a frequency (your thoughts often define your emotions). You can obtain an understanding of your frequency with the help of your feelings. If you feel positive emotions, your vibration is high. If you feel negative emotions, your vibratory state is out of alignment with your higher self which causes low frequency.
When you understand that you have the ability to change your belief system and tune yourself to the same frequency as your desires, you will gain back your power to create your own reality by your will. You are already creating your own reality by your current frequency and belief system. You can do this deliberately and make your dreams come true.
How can we stop believing in beliefs that no longer serve us? Thank you for asking!
When we consciously identify a belief that is not in line with the new person we have become, we understand that the belief is not ours and just let it go and feel free. There are some cases in which we only discover sub-beliefs, so in these cases the habit and belief system will remain. We need to delve as deeply as we can to find the core belief. When we succeed, all the secondary beliefs will collapse with the core belief.
You can reach the core belief in several ways.
You can honestly ask yourself “what should I believe in, in order to experience…?” or the opposite question “what am I afraid will happen if…?”. Then allow the answer to come to you, at the perfect time, in any form. You just need to be open and ready and the answer will come.
Or you can get to a meditation state and investigate your thoughts and search for the core belief. It’s possible that your mind will try to convince you that something terrible will happen if you search deeply, but that is not true, the negative beliefs try to protect themselves from you abandoning them. Nothing terrible will happen, you will see this when you find the beliefs that no longer serve you.
It may seem to you too easy to be true, but everything about this life is very simple, we have just “learned” to believe everything requires hard work and life works exactly how we believe. It can be hard, fun, easy, painful or happy, it is you who has the choice and the right to decide. For creation it is all the same, it just expresses itself in infinite ways. You are one expression of it, you are the creator of your life. You hold all the power. You have been given all the power and options. It should be easy and fun.
How can you stay on high frequency?
When you wake up in the morning you are on high frequency, so the easy way is to preserve it. If you repeat your thoughts from yesterday that make you feel bad you can’t preserve the high frequency, but if you start with “good feeling” thoughts you will preserve it. It is also recommended to do meditation for 15-20 minutes every morning, because when you meditate you align with your natural vibration – your higher self vibration.
In order to stay on the high frequency you have to think the pleasurable thoughts that you can reach every second of the day. If your thoughts are not very nice, you can “massage” them to be nicer.
For example:
-They are horrible people = you feel awful
-They mean well = you feel better
-They don’t know what they are doing = it doesn’t feel so good
-They mean well = you feel a bit better
-It’s hard for me to see that they mean well = you feel worse
-They are not in alignment with who they are = you feel better
-sometimes they are in alignment with who they are = you feel better
-I like being in alignment with who I am = you feel better
-I want to love them = you feel better
-They are hard to love = you feel worse
-I can focus on the thing that is easy to love about them = you feel better
and so forth.
You have learned that you need to face reality, but you have actually come here to create your own reality. You are here to find and get to know yourself. The physical reality is here to teach you more about who you are, it mirrors your beliefs and frequency and you just need to decide what is in alignment with who you are or want to be and constantly adjust to it.

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