You Are Here To Enjoy & Have Fun

enjoy life

Life is simple and easy. Most people think that this fact is naïve or unrealistic. I understand these people, they are probably far away from their true nature and I don’t mean to be critical by pointing this out, this is totally fine. The fact is that the further you move away from your core, the larger your expansion will be, like the projectile in a catapult. The more you pull back on the catapult, the further and more rapidly the projectile will be thrown forward.

The good thing is that you always have access to your true self.

You have the freedom to choose. You are so free that it is your choice whether to choose bondage or not. All it takes is your decision to change something or create something.

Life is simple.

Everything always works out for you, even when you are out of balance. When you do not resist yourself and follow your enthusiasm, life becomes a stream of fun moments.

You don’t need to control reality, because reality always works in your favor.

Your frequency will determine with how much ease and flow things proceed. Everything that could happen is here to serve you and when you realize this, you just wander through life expecting to play and enjoy this physical experience.

There is nothing serious going on here, you have no responsibility except to feel good and enjoy your life.

All the important things in your life just happen, you don’t have to make a conscious effort to breathe or for your heart to beat, it just does it automatically. The sun rises in the sky every morning and the earth spins in its orbit.
If you take on yourself the simple, most important, mission to be as happy as you can, your life will change enormously. Behind everything that we want lies a belief that in the having of it we will feel happier, but you can start upward, you can be happy anyway and then you will have it all.

Sometimes things become complicated, but your happiness depends on your thoughts, not on circumstances. You have the freedom to choose how you want to feel, You are so powerful. You can direct your thoughts and think the best-feeling thoughts that you can reach every second and you will notice how it changes your vibration and your life experience. When you focus on the good, the good gets even better and becomes so vivid that you won’t be able to ignore it.

In a magical way, everything that we need for survival is given in this reality. It couldn’t be easier. When you embrace your true nature, you can thrive here. All you need to do is follow your passion, have fun and enjoy every moment, challenge and peak as one.


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Hi, I'm Paz Chen

I am a content creator, digital marketer, content writer and photographer. I am the owner of this blog and the owner of the paper product studio for personal development and empowerment.

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